iMineIVF is available to patients treated at clinics/hospitals using BabySentry ART Management System.
We synchronize phone calendars with instructions and prescriptions ordered by their providers.
Patients may now visualize every change made to their treatment by a healthcare provider and receive instructions/medications posted directly onto their phone calendar.
Prescribed medications along with routes, doses, frequencies and dates. Contents synced to phone calendar.
Treatment events for both partners listed or filtered, including detailed instructions and dates. Contents may be synced with phone call.
Receive reports from your chart for a personalized info exchange.
Treatment events for both partners listed or filtered, including detailed instructions and dates. Contents may be synced with phone call.
Prescribed medications along with routes, doses,frequencies and dates. Contents synced to phone calendar.
Receive reports from your chart for a personalized info exchange.
Ask your IVF specialist how to best communicate without further delays or phone calls.
*New embedded video instructions.
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